

April 08-10, 2025 / Chirchik, Uzbekistan
Based on Order No. 490 of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation dated December 27, 2024
Congress Calendar
Abstract Submission Deadline: March 17, 2025
Congress Program Announcement: March 25, 2025
Full Text Submission Deadline: April 17, 2025
Proceeding Book Publication: April 30, 2025
Topics of the Congress
Open to all topics of all disciplines. Sessions will be disciplinary.
chemistry, mathematics, engineering, natural sciences, medicine, veterinary and agricultural sciences, transport
architecture, economics, social sciences and humanities, culture and sports
Organizing & Science Committee
Organizing Board Members
Prof. Dr. Gafurdjan Mukhamedov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr.Bakhodir Eshchanov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Dr.(PhD) dosent Doniyor Akhmadjanov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr. Jabbor Usarov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr. Dostnazar Khimmataliev-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr. Samariddin Koraev-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Dr.(PhD) dosent Saodat Gayupova-Chirchiq State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr. Umid Khodjamkulov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr.Feruzakhon Kadirova-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gulbaxar Tavaldieva-Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Uzbekistan
Dr.(PhD) dosent Ikrom Kadirov-Chirchik State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Prof. Dr.Deni Darmawan - director of Cibiru Kampus Universitet Pendidikan, Indonesia
M.Pd, Ph.dosent D. Ediyanto - Malang State universitety, Indonesia
Dr. Tina Hayati Dahlan - Universitety Pendidikan, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Julia, S.Pd., M.Pd. - Universitety Pendidikan, Indonesia
Dr. Heri Ririen- Universitety Pendidikan, Indonesia
Dr. Elvan CAFEROV - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan
Dr. Alina Amanzholova- Hodja Akhmet Yassawi International University, Kazakkhstan
Science Committee Members
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Guzal Otamukhamedova - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. ZainiddinArzikulov - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Jamshid Ravshanov - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
DcS, Prof. Mukaddas Rakhmonova - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Akbar Namozovich Rasulov - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Dr. Gulchehra Gaffarova - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Kudratbek Makhmudov - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Rano Salomova - Denov business and pedagogy institute, Uzbekistan
PhD, Assoc. Prof. Khujamiyarov Sadullo - Tashkent Institute of Economics and pedagogy
Dr. Tarmiza Khurvalieva - Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Dr.Diah Gusrayani - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Mutabar Meylieva - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Kibrio Burieva - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Mokhinur Safieva - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Nilufar Omonova - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Aliya Burteshova - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Oybek Abdullaev - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Karimov Ravshanbek - Lecturer of Chirchik State Pedagogical University,Uzbekistan
Prof. Violla MAKHZOUM - Islamic University of Lebanon, Lebanon
Dr. Elvan CAFEROV - Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Azerbaijan
Dr. Alina Amanzholova- Hodja Akhmet Yassawi International University, Kazakkhstan
Dr. Ethem İlhan ŞAHİN, Adana Alparslan Turkes Science and Technology University, Türkiye

Prof. Dr. Gafurdjan Muxamedov
Rector of CHDPU

Dr. Mustafa Latif Emek
President of IKSAD Institute
Submission Process
In order to present at the IV. TASHKENT INTERNATIONAL MODERN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH CONGRESS you have to send your abstract on or before the abstract submission deadline, which is March 17, 2025 The abstract must first pass a blind peer review and if accepted by the reviewer, we will send you the abstract acceptance notification. Upon payment of the registration fee, your presentation will be confirmed.
To ease the submission process and the subsequent follow up process please consider following guidelines, information, tips and terms mentioned.
Congress Languages: English, Uzbek, Russian and Turkish
Abstract Submission Process
Please submit your abstract to info@scienceuzbekistan.org till March 17, 2025 After submission you will be acknowledged of the receipt of the abstract via an email within three working days.
The acceptable word range for the abstract is 150– 300 words. The abstracts which do not meet this word limit will be asked for revisions.. Please download the abstract template given and you are requested to follow the format carefully for your abstract submission. Abstracts which do not apply to the correct format will be rejected. The primary language of the congress is English, you welcome to submit in other conference languages.
We encourage you to send informative abstract (complete abstract) which is a compendious summary of a paper’s substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
Please send in a brief biography together with the Abstract.
Submit well before the submission deadline in order to be eligible for Early Bird rates to reserve your seats for the congress.
Your Abstract will undergo a double blind peer review within two to three weeks after its receipt. The international scientific committee will review your paper. The Congress Chair will be heading the scientific committee and his will be the final decisions with regards to the abstracts.
Acceptance or rejections of the paper will be sent to you with reviewer comments. If the paper is required to be revised, the revised paper is needed to be sent back within a week.
Abstract Template Click Here
Full Text Submission Process
The full manuscript must be submitted as a MS Word document in .doc format (not as a PDF or .docx format) and named with author’s abstract number and name.
All manuscripts should be in English, Uzbek, Russian or Turkish. Please ensure that your manuscript does not contain grammatical errors.
Download the Full Paper Template and follow the guidelines.
Manuscripts that do not follow this format will be rejected.
If the paper requires revisions after review, we will send it back to you with comments and you must send the corrected paper within one week.
Full Text Template Click Here
Conference Registration Fees
IKSAD Institute
Conference Contacts
Turkey General Coordinator: Alina AMANZHOLOVA
Tel: +90 505 072 78 92 (Turkey) Whatsapp
+ 90 216 606 32 75 (Turkey)
E-mail: info@scienceuzbekistan.org