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“Science Uzbekistan” is an organization that represents the major scientific facilities in Uzbekistan, which include qualified scientific events, as well as supports and grants to the ground breaking research and inventions needed by today's world and our country. It brings together the expertise of some of Uzbekistan's largest and most respected research organizations to jointly push the boundaries of how scientific research is produced and benefit society.

Science Uzbekistan is a platform founded by the IKSAD Institute, headquartered in Ankara, with offices in Europe, South America, Asia-Pacific, Africa and Central Asia.

The platform is a scientific, non-political, non-religious body covering all areas of science. It strives to encourage scientific progress for the economic, technological and social development of Uzbekistan.

Science Uzbekistan, founded in 2019, currently has 8 member institutes and more than 200 experts in the region. It represents the Uzbek scientific community both within the country and in relations with individual scientists and scientific organizations around the world. To date, its activities receive funding from a special IKSAD fund. In addition, it is open to special grants to support certain activities. The society is engaged in organizing events to popularize the scientific achievements of Uzbekistan, and increasing the communication of Uzbek representatives of science with the world scientific and cultural communities.

In order to achieve the development of science in Uzbekistan, the community holds international conferences, festivals, briefings, cultural exhibitions, publishes scientific proceedings, journals and academic books, and distributes its publications and events through traditional and new media platforms. It is engaged in encouraging Uzbek representatives of science to actively collaborate with international colleagues in all fields of science through grant programs, international scientific events and joint publications.

Also, the objectives of Science Uzbekistan are:

promoting the development of science in the Republic of Uzbekistan, disseminating scientific knowledge, increasing the prestige of science, popularizing the achievements of science and technology in the country to the international community;


strengthening links between science and business; strengthening scientific ties and interaction with the subjects of scientific and technical activities;


popularization and propaganda of science, scientific knowledge, achievements of science and technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


encouraging the conduct and development of fundamental and humanitarian scientific research aimed at obtaining new knowledge about the patterns of development of nature, society and man and contributing to the technological, economic, social and spiritual development of Uzbekistan;


if necessary, providing expert scientific support for the activities of state bodies and business organizations;

Science Uzbekistan is ready to act as an advisory body, and is also open to cooperation both within the country and abroad.

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